Why Employees' Self-Awareness Is Important To Your Business

People are the most important asset of a business. One’s self-awareness, though not taught at schools, is fundamental to finding one’s happiness and fulfillment - both at work and in one’s personal life. So why should you help your employees gain self-awareness and their abilities to manage themselves?
1. Self-awareness helps one understand their strengths and weaknesses, and therefore, chooses to do work that utilizes their strengths and excel.
When you understand your strengths and weaknesses, you can choose to engage in work that utilizes your strengths - which means you'll have a higher chance of succeeding and doing well at work. You will learn to delegate the tasks which you are weak into others.
Like what Albert Einstein said,
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, It will live its whole life believing it is stupid.”
By doing work that utilizes your strengths, you are more likely to feel more fulfilled and engaged, feeling that your being has meaning and purpose.
2. Self-awareness helps one become a better manager and improve the relationships one has with others.
When you are more self-aware, you can manage yourself better which is the key first step to successfully manage others and the relationships you have with others. You can't be a good manager without being self-aware. Nor can you succeed in the workplace without knowing how to work with others.
When you are self-aware, you are likely to learn to improve your communication skill. You are likely to learn to manage the way you respond to your own stress as well as your co-workers’ stress. You are more likely to have more empathy towards others as you have more empathy towards yourself.
3. Self-awareness helps one understand their clients and customers better.
The level of your understanding of others is in relation to the level of your understanding of yourself. If you do not understand how your mind works, it is impossible for you to understand other people. In order to sell or build relationships with your clients and customers, you need to understand them. And to truly succeed, you need to understand their problems, their hopes & dreams, their needs, their desires, and the way they think
4. Self-awareness helps one get through difficulties and challenges in life.
As you become more self-aware, you learn to develop the ability to look at your thoughts and emotions more objectively. You become more conscious of your reactions, calmer, and more patient with how you handle problems and difficulties that occur at work. You will be more resilient, knowing how to shift your focus and thoughts to help you solve challenges in a more productive, growth-fueling manner.
5. Self-awareness helps one become more focused.
When you are more self-aware, you know what you want and what you don’t want. This helps you say no to things that won’t matter down the line so that you can keep focusing on the things that truly matter.
Like what Steve Jobs said,
“I'm actually as proud of the things we haven't done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying 'no' to 1,000 things. You have to pick carefully.”
Self-awareness helps keep your employees focused which helps your company innovate and become the leader in your field.
At The Happiness Planner, we design beautiful inspirational planners, guided journals, and resources that help people improve their mental health and well-being and manage themselves better. We now offer customization for companies who look to gift their staff and clients meaningful gifts that they are bound to love and benefit from.
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