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Our Frameworks


Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. If you want to improve your life, you need to make improvements from within. If you want your outer world to change, you need to change your inner world.

Our products are designed to help you go through the process in a really seamless & fun way as integrated into your daily routine through planning and journaling tools.

Our products help you:

  • Get to know yourself and who you are - your values, beliefs, personality traits, strengths and weaknesses. 
  • Set goals and do things that align with who you are.
  • Be more conscious of your patterns - emotional, thought, and behavioral patterns.
  • Replace old, negative patterns with new, positive patterns through repetition. 

We are also big on perspective. We believe that happiness is a state of mind; it lies in the way you look at things - and this can be practiced, influenced, shaped and changed based on these 3 principles;

  • The way we look at something affects how we feel about that thing. When we change our focus or our attitude about something, our feeling about that thing also changes.
  • Our brain subconsciously picks up things. We are subconsciously shaped and influenced by our environment - whether we realize it or not.
  • Changing the way we look at things and the way we think which determines our emotional state  is like changing a habit. Our thought patterns, emotional patterns, habits, mindset, and beliefs cannot be changed overnight after reading a motivational book or having gone to a personal development conference. It requires lot of practice - over and over - until they go into your subconscious mind and become a part of who you are.

With the understanding of the above 3 principles, we designed The Happiness Planner to have the below 4 key elements; 

  • The Happiness Roadmap: This section is designed to help you become more self-aware and understand yourself better. It comes with questions that seem simple, yet, very crucial for you to ask yourself, so that you can set goals that will make you feel truly fulfilled once you achieve them.
  • The Planning Pages: At the beginning of every month, there is a page for you to set goals for the month - both personal and professional. This section is designed to help you stay focused and motivated. Plus, by practicing visualization and positive affirmations, you reaffirm what you want, reinforce the new beliefs, and effectively reprogram your subconscious mind.
  • The Daily Pages: These pages are designed to fill your every day with inspiration, help you practice putting yourself into a positive frame of mind every morning and night, and help you cultivate habits of gratitude and introspection. If you just focus on making each day a great day and repeat that, then you end up with a great week. And if you repeat that then you end up with a great month, a great year, and a great life. 
  • The Reflection Pages: At the end of each month or week (depending on the version), we ask you to reflect on their week/month, on the highs & the lows, but more importantly, on the lessons learned and how you'd like to improve. This section is designed to help you realize that there's a positive side to everything. Even a seemingly negative event teaches you something - it teaches you important lessons; it helps you grow; and oftentimes it helps you change direction. 


What will you experience while using a Happiness Planner? 

Please note that you will only reap the benefits if you use it every day that it becomes a part of your life. It might be hard at first. The prompts might seem repetitive. But repetition is what builds habits. The secret to success and happiness lies in the daily routine. 

  • You will get to understand yourself better and become more self-aware by answering our questions and practicing self-reflection.
  • By practicing self-reflection, you will become more aware of what makes you happy and unhappy and of your own emotional patterns, thought patterns, and habits. Some of these might not be healthy and you may want to change them. The Happiness Planner can help you practice this daily and make an effective change.
  • You will learn to look at the positive side of things and adopt a positive outlook on life. You will become more resilient and can bounce back or move on from disappointments in life more quickly.
  • You will focus on making each day a good day instead of worrying far too much about the future or thinking too much about the irreversible past. Eventually you will become more mindful and live in the present.
  • You will wake up everyday thinking about things that excite and inspire you.
  • You will end each day feeling grateful by thinking about the good things that happened.
  • You will feel happier and more fulfilled from within by striving to improve your inner qualities and your emotional intelligence. 


Which version should I get?

This depends on your needs. How do you like to plan? Weekly or daily? Do you have a lot to write each day? Do you like to plan and reflect on a weekly or monthly basis? 

Product Dated / Undated Layout One Day Per Page? Planning Spread
Reflection / Review
The 100-Day Planner  Undated  Daily  Yes Weekly Weekly
The Happiness Planner | Weekly  Undated  Weekly No Weekly Weekly
The Happiness Planner | Daily  Dated  Daily Yes Monthly Monthly


If you're still not sure, here's a few pointers.

  • The 100-day planner is perfect if you're not sure when you'd like to start using it. Especially if you have specific goals in mind you want to achieve like losing weight, changing a habit, or if you have just gone through a big change in life like a breakup or a divorce, a relocation, a career change, quitting an addiction or going through an illness, or if you have been feeling down lately, the 100-day planner is perfect for you. It has a daily layout with weekly planning and reflection pages and contains daily inspirational quotes. It also makes a great birthday present for your loved ones. 
  • The Happiness Planner (undated / weekly)  is perfect for those who don't have much to write everyday but still need to plan every week. It has a weekly layout with weekly planning and reflection pages and contains weekly inspirational quotes.
  • The Happiness Planner (dated / daily) is available in two versions: January - December and July - June. It is a wonderful tool to use for both work and personal throughout the year. It has a daily layout with monthly planning and reflection pages and contains daily inspirational quotes. It also makes a great Holiday/Christmas present for your loved ones.  


How does The Happiness Planner work?

Before you get started with the daily pages, you have to "Create Your Happiness Roadmap" with questions that will get you to think about yourself and your life. This first section will help you increase self-awareness and make an acknowledgement to yourself to become even more self-aware. All of our Happiness Planners start with this section.


  • What makes you happy and how often you want to integrate that into your life?
  • What makes you unhappy? Can you do anything to change it?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses? Are you doing things that align with your innate talents and who you are?
  • What qualities or habits would you like to improve?
  • What and who are you grateful for?
  • What have you achieved so far that you're proud of?
  • What have you overcome?
  • What lessons have you learned?
  • What is your definition of success?
  • What are your dreams? What do you want to achieve in life?
  • What is holding you back? What are your fears?
  • What do you want to achieve in a year's time?

This is so that you can plan to integrate your answers from this section into your daily life throughout the period of your Happiness Planner.


What makes The Happiness Planner different from the other planners?

Our Happiness Planner focuses on helping you creating a life of happiness & fulfillment - whatever it means to you. :)





You start each day with an inspirational quote.



This section was designed for you to think about something positive - something you're excited that day. It could be a little thing like the friend you're meeting for dinner or the important meeting you're going to have that day. The goal of this is for you to wake up everyday feeling positive, inspired, and excited - which, if you could feel like this at the start of every day, you already set yourself up for a good day. :) 



    This can be work or personal goals - any goals that are your absolute main focus for the day. These goals can be the subsets of the goals you set in the beginning of each week/month. Write them down and make sure you achieve them.



      Exercises and meals are important and we should not ignore that what we put into our body stays in our body. A bad meal can't be removed with exercises. At the same time, exercises are important in keeping our mind and body balanced, building our cardio strengths, helping us focus, and releasing stress.

      If you care about your well-being, I'm sure you exercise regularly and eat healthy. If you're not already doing so and are thinking of changing your diet and lifestyle for the better, you can use this little section here to track your progress daily. 



        Our schedule doesn't come with the exact times as we find that fixed times that come with most planners can be frustrating. Sometimes meeting times we have scheduled are not on the dots and that we may need more space than just one line to write about the meeting at 10.30pm. Moreover, most planners have times that run from 7am to 8pm. Some of us are night owls or work with people on the other side of the world and have schedules (i.e. Skype calls, webinars, TV shows) that are very late at night. So we want to keep this section as flexible as we can. 



          To-do lists are essential and no explanation is really needed about how to use this section! 



          Sometimes we get caught up in moments of frustration and fill ourselves up with negative energy. Then suddenly we feel like we have a bad day. But if you learn to shift your focus to the good things that happen, even though it looks like a glimpse of joy, it can change your whole perspective and your feeling about the whole day. Suddenly, the day doesn't seem so bad - you realize that there's good in everything. It all depends on what lens you decide to wear.



            "Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, and confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend." - Melody Beattie

            Sparing a minute or two at the end of the day to think about what you're grateful for can you appreciate life and feel happier as a result. Sometimes we can be overwhelmed with work and feel stressed with the responsibilities we have. Filling every day with gratitude can really help brighten our day.



              The power of positive affirmation is phenomenal. Every wish-come-true starts with a thought. And then a thought gets fulfilled through actions and determination. Sometimes you have a good day; sometimes you don't. Thinking about what you hope for tomorrow can put you back into a positive frame of mind and help you see tomorrow as a new opportunity to make it a better day.

              Dream more. Wish more. Do more. And all your wishes shall come true. 





              How you feel and how you spend your days each week varies. The goal of this section is for you to reflect on the week/month and that at the end of each planner you can see how much you have improved - how much better you feel and how much happier you have become. 



              This is for you to look back and feel that after all, life is good. Regardless of challenges and obstacles you face in life, there are always good things. The key in being happy is to shift what you focus on - what you focus on expands and affects how you feel.



              "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James 

              There are always things that annoy, disappoint, or upset you. However, the point of this is to reflect and to learn to look at these negative things from a positive point of view. Sometimes we can't see why things turned out the way they did and only time will give us the reason for why it happened which brings us to the next two points.



              "A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor."

              We only become stronger when we are put to the test and when we have to go through situations where we have to push our limits. If our path through life is paved with rose petals and everything is always handed to us on a silver platter, we will never learn to build mental strength, resilience, patience, understanding, acceptance, and become the person that we desire to be. It is useful to reflect every now and then on what we had to go through, what we have learned, and what we have achieved to feel proud of ourselves and our achievements. Sometimes we get caught up in our own self-doubt and feel like we're not good enough. We need to keep looking back on what we have achieved and what we have become - even if we are just slightly better than what we were yesterday, 5 months ago, or last year. The key of this is to keep having faith in ourselves and to never stop becoming a better person which is the key to feeling fulfilled and happy internally.



                “You cannot tailor-make the situations in life but you can tailor-make the attitudes to fit those situations.” - Zig Ziglar

                When one door closes another door opens. Everything happens for a reason and that one event always leads us to another. Whether that event leads to something better or worse depends on how we look at it, what we learn from what happened, and what we do from that point on.

                Most of the time we see the negative things as they are. However, there is always a positive side to everything. Being happy doesn't mean you're living a flawless life with only good things in it. Being happy means that no matter what life throws at you, you see it with the positive lens and you are able to turn around the negative circumstances into lessons and opportunities. It's all about "your perception". How you feel depends on how you see things. Practicing this over and over, you will soon become a positive person who sends out positive energy and attracts people of the same energy to you.  



                  Reflecting on the past week and thinking about what we could do better the following week without dwelling on the past and regrets is the key to successfully improving oneself. Most of the time we let our lives go by without actually pausing for a second to reflect. You could have been too hot-tempered this week. You could have been too lazy and inactive. You could have had a very bad diet. Next week is another week. Welcome it with a smile and see it as an opportunity for you make it better and become a better person. 

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