Over the past year, we've received several emails from our customers (you) whether you could apply to become a brand ambassador. Yes, you can! We're still working out the details and aim to launch this before summer '19.
If you'd like to apply for this, please read on....
Q: What is the mission/vision behind the brand ambassador program?
There are different scopes for how you can be involved. At the very least, you could promote our brand and products to your community by writing reviews and simply being an evangelist. You can already do this by signing up to our affiliate programs.
On a bigger scope, you would be helping us build communities around the world. Your part is to do so in your city. We want to bring together people who are committed to bettering their inner self, honoring their own personal development, cultivating mindfulness, and nurturing a positive outlook on life. We believe that events are the best way to connect like-minded people so that they can foster friendships and connections.
Q: How can I be involved in this?
This brand ambassador program is a worldwide initiative. You can apply to be a brand ambassador in your city/town. We will work closely with our brand ambassadors to create consistent branding and activities for our events across the globe.
Q: What does it mean to be The Happiness Planner's brand ambassador?
A: As a brand ambassador, you must be passionate about our brand, our products, and love the concept of The Happiness Planner, and the ethos behind our brand. You want to be a part of this movement, helping us inspire more people to believe that they're in charge of their attitude and live a life that they feel truly rich and fulfilled from within.
The brand ambassador organizes, hosts, and promotes our monthly events, brunches, and workshops in their hometown. Each chapter is led by 2-3 people (depending on the size of the city/town) who serve as our brand ambassadors.
As a brand ambassador, you would be in charge of all the details for your local event such as:
- Securing a venue
- Facilitating the workshop
- Finding a speaker each month that relates to the global theme
- Finding sponsors to cover catering
- Leading the event team in your city (including a photographer and videographer)
- Marketing for the event and managing social media accounts for your city
- Serving as the main point of contact for HQ
Q: What benefits do I get for being a brand ambassador?
A: The role as a brand ambassador is a fulfilling role. You will play an important role in inspiring people in your community to be the best they can be and to find happiness from within. You will have a direct contact with The Happiness Planner HQ team and will have a chance to be involved in the NPD (new product development) process and in the creative process of The Happiness Planner. You will play an important role in helping us understand our customers and providing feedback. Most important of all, you will receive free products from us and will have a chance to see and receive new products before they go on sale.
Q: Do brand ambassadors sign a license agreement?
A: Each brand ambassador signs a license agreement in order to represent The Happiness Planner brand and agrees that all content created as a result of a Happiness Planner event is property of BRANDMENTALIST LLC. The license agreement lasts for 12 months and is renewable. If conflicts occur, The Happiness Planner reserves the right to terminate the contract at any point in time.
Q: Can there be more than 3 brand ambassadors in each chapter?
A: We require 1-3 main contacts (depending on the size of the city/town) for each chapter who serve as the face of that location. You can get more people involved as volunteers or interns to help and support you. This way if illness, travel, or any number of life’s surprises prevents you from hosting one month, you have a solid back up. You’re free to organize your team as you see fit, but only the nominated 1-3 people can be the official brand ambassadors.
Q: Can my company or group apply to be a brand ambassador?
A: This will be considered case by case. A company can become an official sponsor who helps organize events and workshops for people in their company and in their city.
Q: How often are events/brunches/workshops?
A: Each chapter is expected to host a Happiness Planner evening event, a workshop, or a Sunday brunch once a month, every month. Event dates vary.
Q: How much are Happiness Planner events?
A: This is a not-for-profit initiative. The purpose of the brand ambassador program is to get people who are passionate about personal development and personal growth together so that we form meaningful friendships and inspire one another. Sometimes we can't avoid venue hire or catering costs. As a result, some events might be free. Some events might be $10-20 per ticket (i.e. brunch will cost more). This will be considered case by case. But the cost will be at the minimum because this is a not-for-profit initiative.
Q: How do the themes work?
A: There will be monthly global themes. The themes serve as a common thread to connect all of our cities. Each theme is set by the Happiness Planner HQ team. Brand ambassadors will have some input on this. Events will be run as an evening event, a workshop, or a Sunday brunch.
Q: What are some qualities you look for in a brand ambassador?
A: Here are some of the qualities we look for:
- You are absolutely passionate about The Happiness Planner brand:
You love beautiful stationery. You use The Happiness Planner and you wish everyone else was using it. You find that The Happiness Planner helps make your life better - helping you becoming more organized, focused, positive, mindful, grateful, and happier! You'd love to help spread the words about The Happiness Planner and inspire more people to live a purpose and passion driven life and find happiness from within.
- You are passionate about personal development, health, and wellness.
You love reading self-help books. You love setting goals to challenge yourself and achieve them. You strive to live a healthy life and become a better person every year. Most importantly, you'd like to inspire people to do the same.
- You like to meet new people.
You have this deep desire to connect with like-minded people. You want to get people in your hometown together so you can talk about life, goals, and keep each other inspire and motivated. Life is not always easy. Energies are contagious. You want to be the driving force that spreads positive energy in your hometown.
Q: Should I register my city’s social media accounts now?
A: Please do not register social media accounts on behalf of The Happiness Planner. When we launch new cities we take care of registering those accounts and populating them with sample descriptions.
Q: Do we have to get speakers approved by headquarters?
A: No, but we'd like to know who you're inviting!
Q: Can brand ambassadors create LLCs or non-profits?
A: Brand ambassadors can establish organizations to keep finances in order or apply for certain types of funding. However, The Happiness planner does not permit brand ambassadors to use the “happiness planner" trademark, or confusingly similar names, as the entity name.
Q: What sort of resources does The Happiness Planner HQ provide?
A: Each of our brand ambassadors receives a large batch of files (e.g. brand assets, slides templates, sample marketing materials), the online Happiness Planner handbook that details guidelines and learnings, and access to our internal message board for all Happiness Planner brand ambassadors worldwide.
Q: How long is the commitment for being a host?
A: Our licenses are one year long and in most cases we offer brand ambassadors the opportunity to renew their agreement each year.
Q: What happens if I’m a brand ambassador and I’d like to pass on the role to someone else?
A: We have an exit process setup for our brand ambassadors. You will have the option to nominate someone who you heavily endorse to be the next brand ambassador (they will have to complete an abridged application). Otherwise, we will will open public applications for the city/chapter.
If you're interested in becoming a brand ambassador, please email with the answers to the questions below;