Episode 43: Healing At The Root: Skin, Illness, Hormones, and Wellness

In episode 43 we are talking to the glorious Lisa O'Connor, a certified Holistic Nutritionist. Lisa doesn't love being defined by one label, as her practice, and work is multi-faceted. Through her own personal deep healing journey, she has found her own unique way of alchemizing healing through the use of body, mind, spirit, breath, and tapping into one's own innate radiance, beauty, vitality, and power.
This episode dives into Lisa's deep and personal knowledge based on her experience of losing her own health for a long period back in 2006. That journey has helped her see and feel what it is to truly heal. She cultivates and nourishes healing in others because she truly believes we can all heal. She has flipped the switch with the realization that the mind, body & soul are all connected; that her experience, her healing, was a gift. She forged her own healing path and is helping others to find theirs too.
We are diving into some juicy subjects all focussed on healing, including how:
💫 Emotions manifest in our skin. It’s one of the ways our body tells that things are not ok. We discuss the influence of emotions like repressed anger and shyness that comes from traumatic experiences.
💫 Women's periods + hormones are changing as they assume more masculine roles, making us out of sync with our natural cycles. Men + women are different on a physiological level + we don’t work in the same way. Progesterone is a woman’s natural anti-anxiety pill but when we are pushing and burning the masculine, progesterone has nowhere to land, so we will feel more anxious.
💫 Everyone is navigating life the best they can. We can look to doctors for professional advice, but we also need to reclaim our own intuitive awareness of our bodies. When we harness our own innate ability to heal, we get true body autonomy + awareness.
💫 When we over-identify with an illness or label, we can manifest physical symptoms we’ve not experienced before because we know those symptoms can appear as part of that condition. We discuss learning to experience a health challenge, without letting it define you.
💫 The more we let go + surrender to new healing practices and experiences, the greater freedom we have. Find what’s right for you by trusting your intuition. The greatest healing practice in the world might not be for you, you just need to find what is.
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- PODCAST: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/glow-deep