Episode 49: Release Your Money Blocks + Manifest Abundance On Your Terms

There's a change of pace this week as Money Mindset expert Denise Duffield Thomas joins me to talk money, prosperity consciousness + abundance. Denise is a money mentor, passionate about helping women find economic independence + abundance. She’s the author of 3 best-selling books + her money bootcamp has helped thousands of women to bash down self-limiting money beliefs. The self-titled "chillpreneur" has SO much knowledge + as a self-professed lazy introvert / mother of three, she has plenty of brilliant references.
We talk in-depth about how money mindset problems stem from underlying beliefs. Women especially have so many self-limiting beliefs that are often ingrained from childhood, heritage or our cultures. We chat about how addressing these self-sabotaging thoughts can help us break through to find financial independence and financial power. She’s so positive + full of wisdom that can really help you to transform your money mindset. If you want financial abundance + you’re ready to make a change, this is the episode for you!
Some of the pearls of wisdom include:
💫 The seven common money blocks to us achieving money abundance and how we often take on people’s money blocks and stories. This in itself can negatively affect our earning potential.
💫 How some women believe they absolutely must work as hard a possible and so will resist help or anything that makes making money easily.
💫 The trade-off that many women have with money; that you have to give something up in order to make money. For example, if I work hard and make money then I can’t be a good mum.
💫 How undercharging and over-delivering really do go hand in hand.
💫 That a bad manifesting mojo can seriously affect an abundance mindset. It’s not about spending more money, it’s about acclimatising to becoming the person you want to be. She breaks down how you can incrementally upgrade your abundance mindset.
💫 Wisdom for working mummas who are struggling with the juggle or pregnant women who are apprehensive of their changing roles.
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