Episode 64: The Truth About Womb Healing, Periods, PMS, PCOS + Contraception

OMG every single woman should listen to this conversation. My fierce friend Monica and I are diving into the details around periods, PMS, PCOS, Endo, misdiagnosis, hormone regulation (and dysregulation), contraception and coming off the pill.
Monica is a period and human brain expert, in addition to being a fierce Sagittarius and not afraid to speak the truth. She works with science, energy and the body to uncover all the answers you need (because you are born with all the answers) so that you can step into your feminine energy and let go of your masculine armour. Her transformational insights in periods, femininity, self-belief and mindset will help you find the most aligned version of yourself.
Some juicy highlights are:
🦋Heavy, painful periods are NOT normal. Monica shares some of the physical, emotional and spiritual reasons behind painful period symptoms that so many women experience.
🦋Conscious and unconscious stress on your physical and spiritual body will affect your feminine cycle.
🦋PCOS and Endometriosis - why these conditions are often misdiagnosed. Plus a deep dive into the different kinds of PCOS.
🦋Having cysts on your ovaries can be a completely normal thing leading up to ovulation (and not necessarily a sign of problematic ovarian cysts or PCOS).
🦋Understanding the different kinds of contraception and accurate chances of pregnancy using the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) VS other kinds of hormonal birth control. Monica gives us her honest view of the pill, IUD, the injection, FAM and tracking your cycle.
🦋Why your ovulation fluid is the most insightful method of tracking your cycle. What to look for in your own vaginal fluids / underwear to know that you are ovulating.
🦋Dietary advice for supporting a healthy cycle, particularly during the party season.
🦋What exercise is best for the feminine body during different phases of your cycles and how to optimise the regulation of our periods through desirable movement. Monica shares her thoughts on HIIT and how it can be detrimental for some women.
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