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Opportunity Cost

Opportunity Cost

I believe that a day spent on doing something that does not align with your future goals is a day wasted. Several days combined that’s another week. Several weeks combined that’s another month. Several months combined that’s another year.

How much longer can you afford to waste another year of your life, doing something that fills your immediate needs while pushing off your future goals? 

Being caught up in the things you’re doing today in order to fulfil the immediate needs may hold you back forever from seeing the bigger picture - the real picture of where you want to go, where you want to be, and what you want to be doing five to ten to twenty years from now. 

It’s hard to ignore those itchy mosquito bites and try not to scratch them, but if only you knew that scratching them would only make them become even more itchy and would ruin your skin for months or years to come, then you wouldn’t have scratched them in the first place. 

Outsiders’ noise of those concerned can really sway you from focusing on the bigger picture. 

Security, being in a safe harbour, and comfort can really keep you hooked and cozy.

But remember,

  • Every day wasted on doing a job that doesn’t align with your future goals is a day wasted. 
  • Every day wasted on doing a job that doesn’t grow you intellectually, mentally, emotionally, or physically is a day wasted.
  • Every day wasted on doing something to kill time is a day wasted.
  • Every day wasted on being bored, complacent, or stagnant is a day wasted.
  • Because the day could have been used to develop amazing ideas.
  • Because the day could have been used to learn something new that becomes valuable for the rest of your life.
  • Because the day could have been used to build something that will be worth millions in years down the track.

The cost of not earning $200 a day could have been an opportunity cost worth $500K. 

Don’t lose sight of the big picture.

You know where you want to be. Gear all of your energy towards that. You’ll be surprised how fast you can fast track the route to your dream when your energy isn’t spread everywhere, but is directed at the big picture, and only the big picture. 


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