8 Things You Need To Do To Survive Change, Uncertainty, and Difficult Times

This year has been full of uncertainty and change. And the wheels are still turning. Things are still shifting. We’re still going through the transition.
I hope this blog post can act as a reminder and a guide to help you build your mental strength whether you still feel lost in this transition or if you’ve managed to build a routine and find your way around it.
Here are the 8 things you need to do to survive the pandemic:
1. Accept things that are outside of your control.
Focusing on things outside of your control only amplifies your anxiety. ACCEPT that things are changing. SURRENDER to life’s unfolding instead of resisting. TRUST that it will be okay and that you will survive because you have the ability to adapt to change.
2. Take full accountability and responsibility for what is within your control.
You can take responsibility for the choices you make in life, for the actions you take, for making the most of each day, for choosing to look at the positives and not the negatives, and for focusing on possibilities instead of fears.
Change is scary because of the unknown and the unfamiliar. But if you focus on the future and new ways of living instead of keeping yourself stuck in the past, you will be able to spot opportunities and take the reins of your future.
The end of one thing is the new beginning of another.
3. See the stress that you face and issues you have to solve as a test for your mental strength.
You can’t grow your mental strength overnight. Nor can you grow it in comfort. And this will not be the last challenge you face in life. Therefore, you must focus on growing your mental strength. Hard times make you stronger which will be beneficial in the long run.
Refrain from seeing yourself as a victim because that will only keep you stuck in anxious thoughts and feelings of helplessness. Do not go down that rabbit hole.
4. Focus on the possibilities and opportunities that come with change instead of the losses.
When we have nothing, we can be anything. It’s only when we lose the old that we can renew and start a new life. When nothing is certain, anything is possible. If the job you had been doing prior to the pandemic wasn’t something that truly aligned with who you are, use this time to look deeper inside yourself and find your gifts. See how you can learn to make money online from your skill sets, knowledge, and passions. Everyone is online now. You have access to the global market that you didn’t have before. What gifts can you offer to the world online? What do you know that others don’t?
5. Use this time to focus on connecting with yourself.
Quarantine and self-isolation is unavoidable at this time. Use this as an opportunity to work on yourself. It is hard to work on ourselves or change sticky habits when there are so many distractions as they require tremendous focus and willpower. Mood swings are quite common when we try to change our habits especially with quitting addictions! Now is the time to shift all of your focus to yourself - or face your demons, I’d say. Read. Write. Meditate. Journal. Create a routine and rituals for the next 30 days to build new habits and make them stick for the rest of your life when all of these is over.
6. Deepen your connections with those you love.
This is the time to focus on the connections that are most meaningful to you. When all the distractions and fun times are taken away, who really matters in your life? What actually would give a purpose to your being? Who can you live without and who can you not live without?
7. Save money.
Staying home must have saved many of you a lot of money especially if you used to splurge money on eating out, drinking, and shopping. Try to save as much as you can now. Maybe you’ve reached a new found understanding that you actually don’t need a lot of things you used to spend so much money on.
8. Focus on your health.
At the end of the day, what truly matters is our health - both mental and physical health. A strong immune system can help you fight through many things. Has this pandemic changed your perspective on health? Maybe you now pay more attention to what you put into your body? Are you now eating more nutrient-rich food and vitamins? Are you now more hygienic? Are you now exercising more? Although it’s hard since gyms are closed, this pandemic is a wakeup call that we really need to take care of our health. With a strong immune system, you’re less likely to catch diseases. And remember, you’re more likely to catch diseases when you vibrate in low frequency which is when you’re stressed, anxious, and worried. Try your best to stay positive. If you’re still struggling, read #1 again. :)
With all those being said, everyone is different and is affected by the pandemic differently. Some thrive on change while others thrive on stability. Some are more flexible & spontaneous while others like to have a plan. Some are internally motivated while others are externally motivated. No matter how hard or easy this year has been for you, I hope you have found your way around it and found a new way of life that suits you.
Jessica Swaney —
Great words I needed to hear!
Shashi kumar —
Good advise well received thank you for sharing