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Are You Tired? Me Too.

Are You Tired? Me Too.

Are you tired? Me too.

Sometimes I just want to give up.

Then I have to remind myself how many obstacles I’ve pushed myself through and all that I have now is a result of not giving up.

Everything is such a freaking process.

Growth is a process.

Success is a process.

True love is a goddamn long process.

What isn’t a process?



Your best self doesn’t want you to give up on it.

Your healing doesn’t want you to give up on it.

Your soul doesn’t want you to give up on it.

Your passions & dreams don’t want you to give up on them.

Your true love doesn’t want you to give up on him/her.


All that is worthwhile takes time.

That’s why it’s worthwhile.

That’s why it’s rare.

Because while 99.99% of people give up, you choose to keep going.


You have to be mindful of when your mind plays tricks on you because of your fear of rejection.

It makes you think that you don’t want that thing anymore and give up. When in fact, it’s your mind trying to protect itself from potentially getting rejected.

Getting rejected is actually you rejecting yourself.

If you can spot this and refrain yourself from “sabotaging the process”, then you can almost win anything in life.

Because winning in life is simply that - stopping yourself from sabotaging success, growth, a relationship.

Because if you don’t self-sabotage, you can pretty much be guaranteed to get to the end.


What did I not give up on?

✅ Wanted to go to school in Australia since I was 12. Successfully moved for university when I was 18.

✅ Wanted to have my own business since I was 15. Successfully started one when I was 27.

✅ Dreamed of traveling the world since I was 10. Wanted to have the freedom to move freely. Have been living the digital nomad life since 2015 (age of 27). 😊

✅ Wanted to have the freedom with my time AND money since as long as I can remember. My mom was strict and very tight with money. I had to do things her way in order to get pocket money. It was suffocating.

I was determined that one day I would be so successful that I don’t have to bend over backwards to ask anyone for money or for freedom to do whatever I want whenever I want however I want. Only I can set the rules for my own life.

Now I have both. Sort of. 🙂  I can work whenever I want wherever I want (though I tend to work all the time lol). I can eat out whenever I want and not have to worry.

✅ Dreamed of becoming a successful writer/author whose books inspire millions of people. I had so much joy writing essays at school. I used to write a novel and passed around to everyone in class to read. Well, I’m half way there. 🙏🏻

✅ I really wanted to be skinny, fit, and firm.

I was a fat kid so I dreamed of being fit. Managed to lose 15kg, but always had issues with weight control. Now in 2020 in quarantine, probably the fittest I’ve ever been. 😆 I’ve not weighed myself in so long and have stabilized my body shape physically and mentally (aka I stopped being obsessed with scale). Yay! 🙂

✅ When I was a kid, I wanted to be able to speak English fluently. Now English feels like a mother tongue to me. 😊


What about you? What did you achieve that are the results of not giving up?

Write down a list of accomplishments that happened because you did not give up on them, adding the date when it was just a dream and the date when it became a reality:

Use this printable to write down a list of accomplishments that happened because you did not give up on them, adding the date when it was just a dream and the date when it became a reality.




Damn, some of these took 10-20 years, didn’t they?

Although they might look like an overnight success to others.

Every time you feel like giving up, remind yourself that you have experienced this feeling of wanting to give up so many times in this life before.

Yet, you are still here. Do not give up.

Dreams Journal

Photo: Dreams Journal



This is something I work on daily to instill in myself. It is hard to continuously work at something you want and see no progress for awhile. It is the persistence that will make it a success. It won’t succeed if you stop when it gets tough. It is the ability to grow from the failed attempts that will set you up to succeed. It can be uncomfortable and embarrassing but everything starts out that way when you are new to it. Thanks for the reminder to keep going and words of wisdom!

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